What Goes Around Comes Around

Understanding the Law of the Circle and Its Impact on Our Lives

The principle that “what goes around comes around” is a universal truth that transcends cultures, religions, and scientific understanding. This page explores the concept, its historical roots, and its implications for our everyday lives.


The Wisdom of the Ages

Historical Context and Religious Perspectives

Ancient Wisdom:

The idea that our actions return to us is an age-old concept known as the Law of the Circle. My son, as a teenager, once told me, "What goes around comes around," echoing this timeless wisdom.


Expressions like "we reap what we sow" and "when we cast our bread upon the water, it comes back to us" are fundamental in Christianity. In the Old Testament, the principle of "an eye for an eye" suggests retribution, but Gandhi wisely noted that this philosophy "will leave the whole world blind," highlighting the importance of kindness and forgiveness.

Eastern Traditions:

Known as "Karma" in Eastern philosophies, the concept may span lifetimes. It teaches that our actions, whether good or bad, will eventually return to us.


Terms like "like attracts like," "magnetization and radiation," and "cause and effect" describe the same phenomenon in scientific terms.

Energy and Vibration

The Law of Attraction

  • Energy Dynamics: The Law of Attraction, often considered a New Age concept, is as old as history itself. It suggests that radiating positive energy brings positive experiences, while negative energy brings negative consequences. The key concept here is “Energy.” Everything in existence, tangible or intangible, is energy in motion.


  • Vibrational Nature: For example, the sound of your voice travels as energy waves to the listener’s ears, even though these waves are invisible. Similarly, our thoughts and feelings are energy, constantly in motion.

Visualizing Energy

Understanding the Invisible Forces

Energy in Action: Imagine your negative thoughts as a dark cloud of energy surrounding the person you direct them toward. This energy doesn’t remain stagnant; it picks up similar energy and returns to you, potentially manifesting as misfortunes like accidents or disappointments. Conversely, positive energy attracts positive outcomes such as gifts, promotions, or smiles.

Natural Laws and Their Implications

The Law of the Circle and Gravity

Inescapable Truths: The Law of the Circle is as undeniable as the Law of Gravity. Just as you wouldn’t jump off a roof without expecting to fall, understanding that negative thoughts and actions bring negative results is crucial. Awareness of this law helps us avoid “collisions” with negative outcomes.

Changing Our Thoughts and Beliefs

Manifesting Positive Outcomes

  • Prosperity Mindset: To manifest what we desire, such as prosperity, we must replace old, negative programming with positive thoughts. By envisioning prosperity and acting as though it is already present, we attract positive energy and tangible results into our lives.
  • Power of Choice: Our early conditioning often instilled limiting beliefs. Now, as adults, we have the power to choose and change these beliefs. By focusing on appreciation and positive thinking, we can transform our lives.


Understanding and harnessing the power of the Law of the Circle can lead to profound changes in our lives. By recognizing the energy of our thoughts and actions, we can create a more positive and fulfilling existence.