Exploring Life's Phases: From Beginnings to Endings

Besides stress, what else will we cover? In general, we’ll look at how we all begin, how we develop through the various stages of our lives, and what might be on our minds as we approach our elder years. I call these sections: BEGINNINGS; THE GENERATIONS; and ENDINGS, Of course, there is a section of RESOURCES.

Reflecting on Generations: Bridging Past and Present

You might think about how you are like the new generations these days, or how different things were when you were growing up. I have been surprised at the ideas and attitudes of my grandchildren and how they are raising their own children. I have been saddened and disappointed when my spouse and I lost a child. I have had to do some real soul-searching to accept some of the events that have occurred. It is my intention to be open and honest, and let you know how I have made efforts to turn my lemons into lemonade.

Embracing Change: Finding Gratitude in Everyday Moments

So we’ll begin with this lifespan perspective, but we will focus on each age and stage in ways that can expand your awareness and understanding of who you are and why you do what you do.

I trust you will find some fresh ideas that will enlighten you. If any of the concepts feel uncomfortable, just set them aside and see if there is something else here that is acceptable. Remember, we are all changing all the time. Maybe you’ll find just one word that you can change in your everyday conversations that can make a huge difference. For example, instead of thinking about the value of gratitude in a theoretical way, begin by finding one thing you are grateful for and say “thank you.” People love to be acknowledged and one “thank you” can go a long way to bring more happiness into another’s life—and yours!
The smile of a waiter, the person who opened a door for you, or the person who gave up their seat for you on the bus reflects how your words can make a difference.

The Power of Words: Shifting Perspectives and Cultivating Growth

Let me start by saying “thank you” to you. I know your time is valuable and I truly appreciate your spending—let’s change that word to investing—your time with me. The word “spending” implies using up a resource while “investing” implies getting a return on your investment. We’ll talk more about the power of words and how powerful YOU and what you say are! Maybe a change is coming in how you see yourself.