Age Well Presentation

I presented some prenatal and perinatal concepts to a group of older adults yesterday. The title was Resilience, Dynamic Aging, and Regeneration. Dr. Even Kligman, a medical doctor who is an advocate of alternative options to achieve and maintain health, hosts a bimonthly seminar here in Tucson. I was asked to address an audience of about 50 people and share ideas about how our minds work to support our wellbeing—or not. I was able to talk about where our beliefs come from. Those are the ideas, i.e. perceptions, that we learn as we grow up. It is truly amazing how we go to sleep sometime in our youth, and forget where we learned what we learned, and that most of our beliefs are ideas that have been passed on generation to generation. It is wise, at any age, to stop and ask ourselves if those beliefs are working for us, and, if not, are we willing to let them go?